Speciality :

Periodontist Implantologist Osstem (Korea) Cosmetologist
Gum Surgeries / Therapies for Smile improvement & Better function
Treatment of early gum disease involves oral hygiene and removal of bacterial plaque.
Moderate to advanced gum disease usually requires a thorough cleaning of the teeth and teeth roots called “root planing” and “subgingival curettage.
Gum treatment for bad breath, bleeding & swollen gums
Implants for single teeth & complete dentures
Teeth Implants resembling screws substitute teeth roots.
They act as a secure anchor for artificial replacement teeth and eliminate the instability associated with surface adhesives and removable bridges
These screws are usually made of titanium or its alloy.
Fixed and removable dentures
Crowns & bridges
In dentistry, Crowns and Bridges are two restorative techniques that repair damaged or missing teeth.
The use of crowns and bridges also avoids shifting teeth that can happen after a tooth is lost.
By maintaining or restoring the patient’s bite and their smile the effects of the tooth damage or loss are reversed.
Cosmetic procedures
Plastic Surgery
Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment
Orthodontic treatment
In Orthodontic treatment use Braces. Braces are the most efficient and accurate way of moving teeth.
Orthodontic treatment usually takes 18-24 months
Complete dental & oral treatment for children Common Procedures Include
2 min fluoride applications
Pit & Fissure Seals
Fluoride Fillings
Orthodontic Assessment
Space Maintainers
Scaling & Polishing of teeth