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Tambe Dr Balaji V
Since 1982

    About Tambe Dr Balaji V:

‘Ayurveda is not just a form of medicine. It is a way of life and the path to a healthy body, mind and soul’ – Dr. Balaji Tambe.
  • Dr Balaji Tambe is an Ayurvedic Physician since 45 years.
  • His goals are ‘perfect health’ and ‘constant peace’, achieved by the evolution of the nervous system through his practice of SOM Meditation & Lifestyle, a technique to release the potential of the human brain.
  • Developed Panchakarma Treatment into the Santulan Panchkarma, where he integrated it with Yoga, Meditation and Healing Music.
  • Developed a special Yoga technique that offers all round hormonal balance, called Santulan Kriya Yoga (SKY).
  • Developed a sound-based meditation centered on a unique method of Chanting ‘AUM’ or ‘OM’. 
  • His unique holistic treatment has benefited more than 2, 50, 000 patients over the last 45 years at his centres in India, Germany and Switzerland.
Other Activities –
  • His daily TV show on the Bhagawad Geeta and weekly Ayurvedic Health Show have been running successfully for 4 years.
  • He authors the longest running health and lifestyle newspaper supplement reaching over 6 million people every week.
  • He has composed a number of healing music albums and authored over 30 books in 3 languages. His music album and treatise on the traditional art and science of pregnancy.
  • Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar book has broken regional sales records and is featured in the US library of Congress.
About Atmasantulana Village –

In 1982, on the basis of Vedic lifestyle, Dr Balaji Tambe established the Atmasantulana Village at Karla in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Here he helps patients bring balance in body, mind and soul through the Atmasantulana (Atma-Soul, Santulan-Balance) way of life. Here Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatments are practiced which has gained a reputation for its effective management and treatment of chronic diseases like heart, brain, fertility problems, metabolic disorders, nervous system diseases, kidney and other diseases.
Here number of couples at the Atmasantulana Village undergoes the Garbha Sanskar Treatment for healthy pregnancies and well-developed babies.
Atmasantulana Therapy Centre is manufacturing high quality Ayurvedic Products formulated by Dr. Tambe since 1984 and is exporting them to Europe since 20 years.
All products are manufactured with high quality natural ingredients without any animal testing and the quality is controlled under the supervision of trained personnel
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